Doom and Quake 3 servers launched!

Oldschool gaming fans rejoice! We've recently launched classic Doom and Quake 3 servers.
Doom and Doom 2 are widely regarded as the greatest games of all-time. Our server is based on modern client/server software called ZDaemon and is currently running Doom 2 in cooperative mode (i.e. players work together to beat the game). The ZDaemon client software can be downloaded via our downloads page. This software requires you to create a free account and then presents you with a server browser. Simply find our server in the list (search for and connect! The ZDaemon client software will then automagically download all game-data necessary to play on our server and launch you into the action. Fear not, bundle-clad warriors; the total download size (client + game data) is less than 20MB.
On the more modern front, we've launched two Quake 3 servers; a team-based Capture The Flag (CTF) server and a Free For All Deathmatch (FFA) server. For newbie reference, Quake 3 was one of the most influential and popular multiplayer action games of all time; it's fast-paced, skill-based, and competition-ready. If you get good at this game, you'll be good at almost every other first person shooter out there. While a copy of the game can be found on our downloads page, it's a bit on the larger side (700MB) so you may want to grab a copy from a friend who already has it.
Happy fragging!